Program Agenda

DAY 1 / Tuesday, 11 JUNE 2024

DAY 2 / Wednesday, 12 June: Deep Dive Discussion

Hall - Tango 1 Hall - Tango 2 Hall - Tango 3
Time (hrs) Track:
Defence Geospatial Enterprise
Space Infrastructure & Situational Domain Awareness

0830 - 0930

Welcome Tea/coffee

0930 - 1130

Defence Geospatial Data Infrastructure, Architecture & Standards (0930 – 1030)

Space Surveillance & Earth Observation Constellation (0930 – 1100)

Human Machine Teaming for Secure & Real-time Satellite based Sensor to Shooter Links (0930 – 1030)

Digital Twins for War fighting (1030 – 1130)

SSA / SDA Securing Space Based Assets/ Counter Space Operations (1100 – 1130)

Drones Dominance in Modern Warfare (1030 – 1130)

1130 - 1230

Tea Break & Exhibition Visit (Ballroom Lobby)

1230 - 1330

Lunch (Ballroom Lobby)

1330 – 1430

Data Sovereignty and Cybersecurity

PNT Infrastructure For New Agile Combat

Emergency Response Systems

1430 - 1545


Maritime Domain Awareness: Ensuring Security at Sea

Leveraging Geospatial Technologies for Border & Internal Security

1545 - 1600

Tea/ Coffee Break

1600 - 1645

Valedictory (Hall - Tango 2)