
The Indo-Pacific Geointelligence Forum seeks to establish a trusted technological platform by integrating geospatial technology with emerging advancements, particularly through the fusion of geospatial and artificial intelligence (GEOAI). This initiative aims to foster dialogue among different services, convening diverse country capabilities for mutual interest discussions, high-level dialogues, and technological advancements.

A prestigious defense and security flagship event that seamlessly integrates geospatial technologies for intelligence purposes. This marks the fourteenth edition of a conference and exhibition curated by Geospatial World, upholding the highest standards of excellence. Scheduled from 11th to 12th June in Delhi, this forum focuses on promoting regional security. It aims to bring together senior leaders for open dialogues, technological expertise sharing, knowledge exchange, netwroking, and insights into defense intelligence systems. Case studies on joint military exercises and technology-enabled humanitarian assistance exercises will further enhance cooperation.

Assess the role of geospatial and space technology advancements in strengthening national security capabilities.
Enable international collaboration and crosssectoral engagements between central and state government agencies, technology providers and the research community.
Formulate strategy for enhancing the adoption of Geospatial technologies in internal security and public safety.
Discuss the challenges for technology adoption and the state of readiness in adopting such changes.
Bring forward innovative solutions to develop smart and integrated security ecosystems