Sustainability & Security of Space Infrastructure: Socio-Economic Paradigm in Digital Age

7 June | Debate Hall
0900 – 1100Highlight Talks on Space Security and Sustainability
Dr. Brian Weeden
Welcome and Overview

Dr. Brian Weeden

Director of Program Planning | Secure World Foundation | USA

Jim Cooper

Jim Cooper

Lead, SSA Solutions | COMSPOC Corporation (CC) | USA

Overview of the space debris environment, congestion in space, and how they are impacted by large constellations and ASAT testing
Duncan Blake

Duncan Blake

Lecturer in Space Law and Strategy | Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW | Australia

Overview of space situational awareness and space traffic management as the foundation for understanding and addressing space sustainability and security.
Jason Mallare

Jason Mallare

VP, Government Programs and Strategy | Umbra | USA

How space sustainability and security (including space debris and ASAT testing) impact satellite operators providing geointelligence solutions
1100 – 1200Tea-Coffee Break / Visit to Exhibition
1200 – 1330Panel: Indo-Pacific Priorities for Space Security and Sustainability
Aditya Ramanathan

Aditya Ramanathan

Research Fellow | The Takshashila Institution | India

Dr. N. Aparna

Dr. N. Aparna

Group Director, NDC Data & Products | National Remote Sensing Centre

Noelle Riza Castillo

Noelle Riza Castillo

Director of the Bureau of Space Policy and International Cooperation | Philippine Space Agency

Aya Iwamoto

Aya Iwamoto

Vice President, Policy and Government Relations | Astroscale | Japan

Caitlin Searle

Caitlin Searle

Counsellor - Science and Technology | Australian High Commission, New Delhi

Ajey Lele

Ajey Lele

Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis